1. the amount of time I've just devoured, trying to figure out how to set my settings just right. and then came questions concerning color, and oh, well, this purple will do, or maybe it would be better in green? and so on...
2. the amount of time that will be devoured when I start to have nightmares concerning random groups of people I may accidentally offend (for instance, am I offending regular bloggers just now, with the fact that I have anything against blogging?), and other various troubles that might appear in this technological world, with its own set of rules and etiquette.
3. blogging. the word. I just hate it.
But there aren't a lot of things I hate. I promise. If anything, the reason I started this blog is to spread all things wonderful, that I like. or love. I'll try to spare you, accidental reader, of everything that falls under these categories. It may be overwhelming. But while you're here, something you should check out?
it's why I exist in this format. but ta - ta for now!
1 comment:
Here is the FIRST comment to get your new blog off to a rolling start! And a hearty THANKS for stopping by and viewing my blog (http://travelingchemist.blogspot.com/). FYI: My next trip to the Middle East will take me once again to Kuwait where I expect to remain during our Thanksgiving Holiday. But so it goes. I will take many pictures and post as many as I have time for!
All the best in your new blog and please post some nice pictures in your own blog as that should help to attract followers. Yes, blogging takes time but it is worth the effort.
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